Crosswater London designed and developed a spa toilet to compete with leading bidets currently in the market in both features and by price. By creating a beautiful spa toilet, we also kept beautiful oceans in mind.
Client: Crosswater London
Creative Director: Samantha Whissell
Copy writer: Samantha Whissell
Art Director: Zach Ardente
Our commitment to cleaner oceans
We endeavoured to create a beautiful spa toilet that not only reduces paper waste and water usage, but also substituted Styrofoam and plastic packaging. In a further effort to help create a cleaner world, we have also aligned with Upstream by donating proceeds of every Ressa sold.
Upstream is a non-profit organisation that sparks innovative solutions to plastic pollution by helping people, businesses and communities shift from single-use to reuse. They’re creating a world where people and the planet are treated as in-disposable so we can thrive without all the waste.